Construction Management

We take care of the planning, coordination and construction of your project, with a minimum cost and in the estimated times.

Constructibility Review

In Neo construction we can help you in the process of verifying the documents to determine if there are design problems, a defect that prevents the construction or a factor that can cause an impact in terms of time, cost and quality. These reviews determine and improve construction plans to prevent problems before they occur. Our evaluations consist of the Quality, Productivity, Safety, Calendar and Cost of the project, ensuring that the scope of work and requirements are clear, that the documents are coordinated and support the contractor, the construction and the administration of the project.

Finding the rigth guy for the job

No matter how large or complex your project is, at Neo Construction we can analyze your construction offers by helping you find a good, reliable and experienced contractor. We carry out a detailed analysis according to the proposed objectives of the project.

Projects management

We put at your disposal the experience and knowledge of our professionals to help your company in the implementation of good practices and work methodology, our Project Management service provides supervision, inspection and start-up for all types of projects. Our results are based on reducing technical risks, preventing construction errors, controlling budgets and maintaining the construction project within the scheduled deadlines effectively.

Development Management

We apply knowledge, techniques, skills and tools to activities to achieve the established objectives.

Design Management

During the construction phase of your project you need to ensure the Design phase to define and avoid risk. Neo contruction offers you a wide range to successfully carry out this phase in your objectives, ensuring that your project makes the desired use adapting to the functional, regulatory, financial and performance requirements.

Construction Management

We manage and execute the budget for the construction of infrastructure and building works, from the land to the hiring, license management, permits and completion of the work, optimizing the use of resources.

Management & Turnover

Your company needs an effective team that achieves effective institutional relations, in Neo construction it is not just a work, our professionals guarantee the quality of hiring and institutional relationships identifying historically successful skills and behaviors. We have at your disposal key contacts in financial institutions, real estate brokers, property management companies, in addition, we can help you sell or manage your assets after construction, we are authentic experts.


Miami - Orlando, Florida.

Mobile: (954) 554-2593